ProEtica- Revistă Culturală
ISSN 2734-8954
ISSN-L 2734-8954
The use of technology and its integration in language teaching represents one of the key factors of successful language development especially in the case of nowadays students, no matter the age. As a matter of fact, the impact of Information and Communication Technologies is acknowledged by everyone, given the improvements and the benefits that `update` the English teaching practice according to the standards of globalisation. These innovations ease the process of language acquisition, while teachers and learners keep rediscovering enjoyable ways of integrating technologies.
Audio-visual materials, computer networks, and Internet technology have already proved their effectiveness considering the worldwide request for technology integration in schools and other educational institutions (Davies, 2004). Thus, language teachers must be prepared to include computer technology and enhance interactive learning activities that enable students to become active learners by means of computer application. Their level of implication depends on the amount of opportunities that technologies can offer, as nowadays learners feel the need of being challenged by learning tasks similar to real life instances that have the touch of technology.
Implementing technological resources, students feel a sort of interconnection with the outside world and understand the practical purpose of fulfilling different learning tasks. As a consequence, they acknowledge the importance of technological tools and the huge benefit which authentic language exposure provides. But this positive effect confers on teachers the moral duty to become more concerned about their digital abilities and professional training which helps them provide a proper, effective selection of materials and a better interaction with technical aids. Therefore, they become more capable of enlarging their pedagogical options being able to offer another perspective on the way English can be taught and learnt.
The practice of integrating technology in English teaching classroom has gained plenty of followers for several decades proving that this is one of the greatest tools that enhances students` motivation by including various types of tasks according to different ways of using interactive technological aids. Keith Cameron (1999) insists on the major change that mostly computer technologies have brought and exemplifies some of the activities that rely on technical support and demonstrate the conveniences of their evolution:
"From cloze tests we have moved on to CD-ROMs and intelligent programs which exploit all the stability and certainty of a micro-world. Hypertext and multimedia have led to the fabrication of programs which are often attractive, informative and stimulating. During the last decade the World Wide Web has appeared on the scene, bringing with it ease of access ... and the real possibility of creating the virtual university, college, school and library." (Cameron, 1999: 402)
The ICT opportunities and the enormous facilities enhanced by the development of Internet materials allow students a certain level of autonomy, while bringing the learning process to another level of digital proficiency and unlimited access of information.
It is obvious that the expansion of computer applications or technology tools of any sort has revolutionised the teaching of different school subjects, especially of foreign languages, and as expected, every practice has its demanding procedures that involve patience and professionalism, but in the end the results worth every challenge. Therefore, this paper presents various advantages of using technologies proving once again that the assimilation of electronic devices is the proper solution for a globalised approach of teaching English, despite some obvious constraints.
Using technology and ICT in English language class provides many advantages that make the learning memorable. For example, having interesting multimedia materials on various domains and subjects, teachers can use innovative teaching ideas instead of the traditional practices, and engage students to take part in interactive learning activities. This way many varieties of digital resources are ready to be used in order to meet the needs and interests of nowadays learners and influence their language development. Learners can access different sites searching for documents, enjoy the utility of video materials, or consult online encyclopedias and dictionaries, most of them permitting free of charge access.
New possibilities brought by language digital materials, most of them available on CD-ROMs or DVDs, multiply the changes that have occurred in the English teaching pedagogy. Using language learning software, learners have the opportunity to increase the practice of most skills according to their own levels and needs. It is the obvious follow-up of the fact that "learners are exposed to numerous software programs to improve their reading, listening, speaking skills and grammar knowledge" (Vi, 2005: 62). Moreover, such digital tools, as digital textbooks for example, allow students the possibility to work at their own pace and time due to the possibility of replaying or slowing some materials, therefore enhancing pronunciation skills, too (Passey et al., 2004). But on top of that, the process of learning a foreign language becomes more personal.
The amount of technical tools enables various possibilities of communication according to different types of devices and web-based technologies. This is one of the main reasons why technologies empower so much the practice of communicative skills, and enhances the advantages of collaborative learning, since Internet communication is very popular among teenagers and young adults either they use instant messaging , chat rooms, or e-mails. Analysing this aspect, L. Wang (2005) considers that teachers must include activities of such writing instances, but also situations of audio and video chatting in order to increase the possibilities of listening and speaking practice. More than that, "students can build up partnerships with learning peers in target languages through the Internet" (Wang, 2005:40) and increase the number of possible interactions with other English speakers.
ICTs bring many authentic materials in the English class, but what is more important for teachers is their quality and validity, and also the possibility to be provided to students. Fortunately, a great advantage is given by the fact that the access of authentic materials and documents is greatly eased nowadays since most of them are available for free. As a consequence, the use of Internet helps teachers either share with their learners a great variety of materials like songs, videos, movies, and TV shows, or to access important documents, electronic newspapers or journals, and pedagogical materials in order to support their professional training and teaching activities.
Another important benefit that computer-based technology enables is the increase of motivation on behalf of most of the learners, because surprisingly or not, students are much more willing to fulfil certain tasks on a computer than to have a pen and paper worksheet or to read a text from their course books. As a consequence, their attitude towards the benefits of learning English is greatly improved also because of the fact that some of the computer based activities allow students to make choices regarding the stages of learning, therefore, students feel independent and more engaged in their study session. In this case, learners become active participants and feel relaxed because they have the feeling of being in control with the learning environment.
Computer Assisted Learning has no limitations in terms of time and space, it cancels borders and culture gaps, and that is why a computer with Internet access can represent such a powerful educational tool needed by every English learner. Besides the fact it increases the access to information, it also enlarges the opportunities to get to know other cultures and civilisations around the globe. As a matter of fact, learners have the possibility to practise the global competence, according to the recommendations of Common European Reference Framework from 2008, and acknowledge the great impact of globalisation.
On top of this, English learners may be helped to boost their creativity with the high development of computer technology. Apart from language development, ICT technologies can help both teachers and learners "to support imaginative expression, autonomy and collaboration, fashioning and making, pursuing purpose, being original and judging value" (Condie and Munro, 2007: 27). The benefit of creativity is enabled by the use of authentic sources which are easily accessible via Internet and provide information for creative tasks or activities as group projects or debates, but also situations that allow new technologies applicability because their novelty involves new learning contexts and critical thinking.
Cameron, K. (1999). "CALL: The Virtual Revolution and the Millennium." Computer- Assisted Language Learning. Volume 12. Issue 5. pp. 401-407. Retrieved from
Condie, R., & Munro, R. K. (2007). The Impact of ICT in Schools - A Landscape Review. Glasgow: Becta Research. Retrieved from documents/impactict_becta.pdf.
Davies, G. (2004). "Aspects of Technology Enhanced Language Learning: a UK
Perspective." In A. Fitzpatrick, An analytical survey on Information and Communications Technologies in the teaching and learning of foreign
languages: state of the art, needs and perspectives, UNESCO Report, pp. 53-74. Retrieved from images/0013/001391/139195eo.pdf.
Passey, D., Rogers, C., Machell, J., & McHugh, G. (2004), The Motivational effect of ICT on pupils. England: DfES/University of Lancaster. Retrieved from uk/ research/data/uploadfiles/RR523new.pdf.
Vi, V. T. (2005). "Advantages and disadvantages of using computer network technology in language teaching." Journal of Science, Foreign Languages, T.21 (2), pp. 61-66. Retrieved from advant%20and% 20 disadvant% 20of% 20 CALL.pdf.
Wang, L. (2005). "The Advantages of Using Technology in Second Language Education: Technology Integration in Foreign Language Teaching Demonstrates the Shift from a Behavioral to a Constructivist Learning Approach." T.H.E. Journal, 32(10), pp. 38- 42. Retrieved from 14132518/ pros_and_cons.pdf.